This nice little 4 page comic was commissioned by Magic Torch Comics. The story I illustrated, Calasraid was part of an anthology of tales. Colourful art, action with a bit of silliness masks a darker story that has brutal ending. Read this story and many more for free at Magic Torch Comics
A Brilliant Boffin
Character Design, first draft and finished artwork.
Read MoreCharacter Designs for The Sustainables Academy
My Character Design Illustrations for Sustainables Academy.
Read MoreIllustration Friday
Cover illustration for Halloween Bandits a Lawrence Pinkley Adventure. Illustrated in pen and ink using brushes, art pen, brush pens
Read MoreIllustration Friday
The theme to this week's artwork on Illustration Friday's weekly competition is vintage and my illustration submission is a baseball player done of course to look a bit vintage complete with a big old fashioned tash. Pen & ink illustration rendered by hand and then layered up and colour added on Photoshop to give it a nice grainy look. I wanted to get a nice bit of movement and perspective in the run up and throw in my character design.
Illustrating a Book Round Up
Illustrating a Book Round Up.
It’s really all about communicating ideas from the moment you start the project, listening to the editor or author discussing their ideas and sharing your own thoughts and taking lead from the story. The illustration is the end result of that communication; an amalgamation of thought, insight into the story and your own personality that will infer extra detail and nuances that lie between the lines of text.
An illustrator uses their artistic skill to give those discussions form, through a process of character design illustrations, developing and enhancing the narrative in concept artworks and with feedback refining the artwork further until the illustrations are finished for publication.
Confidence in your skills and the willingness to push yourself with new techniques or varying or adapting your style that can help communicate the story best will always keep your creative energy flowing keeping the process fresh, fun and show you and your illustrations at their best. There should never be a workman like approach to illustrating a children’s book. Use that opportunity of collaboration to create something you can be proud of putting on your bookshelf.
The quality of the finished book can be determined on how good an illustrator is in storytelling and a good narrative illustrator can enhance the tale that the author has skilfully told into a complete package for the reader to enjoy.
Pen and ink illustration from The White Arrow Assassin
Illustration Friday
Illustration Friday run a fun weekly challenge to create or submit an illustration based on a weekly subject. The topic ranges widely and its fun to come up with an illustration and get it out there. I'll post my weekly entry on this site and drop by to have a look to see what I've come up with.
This week's topic is Tattoos. This is my pen and ink illustration done quickly in felt pen with some bright colours added on PhotoShop, use your shades when viewing!