Superhero style character design for Sustainables Academy by Dylan Gibson.
Read MoreCharacter Design Process
Character Design Process, showing the first draft sketch and development for Metz
Read MoreA Tricky Scene
Imagine a robbery at a newsagents and all manner of scary thoughts cross your mind, the potential for someone to get hurt, weapons, dangerous assailants and theft. When illustrating a scene like that in a children’s book you have to step carefully. Even when the tone of the book is funny you have to consider making the scene look dangerous and dramatic without having the illustration look too violent or scary. At the same time you have to give the artwork a little edge as to not belittle how terrifying a robbery can be. Performing a illustrated balancing act worthy of a trapeze artist starts with laying out the essential elements from the story and composing a layout.
Creating a good concept illustration is key to developing the right tone and I’ll do that by taking a very rough sketch and using layout paper just go over it again until I get character, composition and tone the way I want it. Getting it right at this stage means no later disappointment from the publisher by keeping the intention of the approved signed off concept in line with how the finished image will look like.
My Pen and Ink illustration for the Halloween Bandits
For my robbery scene, illustrated in pen and ink, I added in a few bystanders, a man protecting his dog, and a boy next to a jar of lollipops. It really helps of course that my robbers were wearing Halloween masks and that alone helps keep the look fun, dramatic and not too scary.
Halloween Bandits
Cover illustrations can range from the complex, lots of characters and things going on in a active environment to the simple, an object or person. The focus when illustrating the cover for Halloween Bandits was to capture some of the quirkiness of character in a dynamic action piece. After creating the character concept illustrations the key to creating a really punchy image that would leap of the cover was to visualize the energy and movement by varying thickness of the line in ink loosely and quick by hand.
All my commissions are hand drawn illustrations I prefer the spontaneity of a hand rendered artwork, quirks and splatters of ink can add a lot of expression to an illustration. Pen and ink illustrations when got down on paper quickly can look very bold using different techniques and pens and brushes.
The Halloween Bandits Cover illustration. Hand drawn illustration in pen and ink.
For more samples including picture book illustrations, narrative and comic illustration or reluctant reader story artwork, please visit my illustration portfolio.
Illustrations are divided into three galleries.
Editorial illustration and advertising artwork.
Picture book illustrations.
Illustrated books which features illustrations for comic and older/reluctant reader illustration samples.
Illustrating a Book Round Up
Illustrating a Book Round Up.
It’s really all about communicating ideas from the moment you start the project, listening to the editor or author discussing their ideas and sharing your own thoughts and taking lead from the story. The illustration is the end result of that communication; an amalgamation of thought, insight into the story and your own personality that will infer extra detail and nuances that lie between the lines of text.
An illustrator uses their artistic skill to give those discussions form, through a process of character design illustrations, developing and enhancing the narrative in concept artworks and with feedback refining the artwork further until the illustrations are finished for publication.
Confidence in your skills and the willingness to push yourself with new techniques or varying or adapting your style that can help communicate the story best will always keep your creative energy flowing keeping the process fresh, fun and show you and your illustrations at their best. There should never be a workman like approach to illustrating a children’s book. Use that opportunity of collaboration to create something you can be proud of putting on your bookshelf.
The quality of the finished book can be determined on how good an illustrator is in storytelling and a good narrative illustrator can enhance the tale that the author has skilfully told into a complete package for the reader to enjoy.
Pen and ink illustration from The White Arrow Assassin
The fun of Illustrating a book is sitting down with the story and imagining what the characters and the setting will look like. Sometimes the outline is descriptive but still open to interpretation, other times I've got free reign to come up with ideas and solutions. My task is to visualize your text and enrich the experience for the reader by first sending you the character design illustrations for feedback and then getting to work on the interior draft.
Below is the opening chapter and my illustration, hand rendered in pen and ink to accompany it.
Allow me to introduce myself -my name is Lawrence Pinkley, I'm a private detective. There aren’t
many eighteen year old detectives in Whitby, in fact, I'm the only one, but not by choice. I found myself pulled to the cold north east of England following the death of my father, when I unwillingly inherited the Pinkley Investigation Group, or PIG for short.