Superhero style character design for Sustainables Academy by Dylan Gibson.
Read MoreWhats on the box
When we read our imagination takes us further, it will fill in and create extra depth and meaning to the story we're reading. An illustrators job is to visualise those imagining and deduce what might be going on in a scene or character interaction that isn't described in the authors words.
When creating illustrations for a story, I very much focus on the process of developing what my imagination is telling me to the page. I'm always keen to make suggestions and develop ideas that can help enrich what the author has written.
This scene was created to show how the children in the story bond with the robot, originally it was supposed to be a dinner table scene, though as robots don't eat it highlighted the difference of him as a character and separated him from the kids in the story. Instead I fleshed out this scene with them all watching something scary, so that a bond is created by their share experience.
This artwork was created by hand using pencils, scanned and layered and painted on Photoshop
Illustration Friday
Cover illustration for Halloween Bandits a Lawrence Pinkley Adventure. Illustrated in pen and ink using brushes, art pen, brush pens
Read MoreA Tricky Scene
Imagine a robbery at a newsagents and all manner of scary thoughts cross your mind, the potential for someone to get hurt, weapons, dangerous assailants and theft. When illustrating a scene like that in a children’s book you have to step carefully. Even when the tone of the book is funny you have to consider making the scene look dangerous and dramatic without having the illustration look too violent or scary. At the same time you have to give the artwork a little edge as to not belittle how terrifying a robbery can be. Performing a illustrated balancing act worthy of a trapeze artist starts with laying out the essential elements from the story and composing a layout.
Creating a good concept illustration is key to developing the right tone and I’ll do that by taking a very rough sketch and using layout paper just go over it again until I get character, composition and tone the way I want it. Getting it right at this stage means no later disappointment from the publisher by keeping the intention of the approved signed off concept in line with how the finished image will look like.
My Pen and Ink illustration for the Halloween Bandits
For my robbery scene, illustrated in pen and ink, I added in a few bystanders, a man protecting his dog, and a boy next to a jar of lollipops. It really helps of course that my robbers were wearing Halloween masks and that alone helps keep the look fun, dramatic and not too scary.
Illustration Friday
The theme to this week's artwork on Illustration Friday's weekly competition is vintage and my illustration submission is a baseball player done of course to look a bit vintage complete with a big old fashioned tash. Pen & ink illustration rendered by hand and then layered up and colour added on Photoshop to give it a nice grainy look. I wanted to get a nice bit of movement and perspective in the run up and throw in my character design.
Illustration Friday this week is all about the nose so to sniff around for a little exposure and have some fun I’ve submitted this fellow, my Basset Hound illustration. Having a little play with perspective to show the head a little closer and focus on the expression gives shows this pooch’s personality more and makes the illustration quirky.
As a freelance illustrator I’m commission to draw a wide variety of places, people and animals and my work includes advertising illustrations, editorial illustrations, educational illustrations, narrative artwork for children’s books and picture book illustrations. Having quick visualization skills I’m also asked to illustrate storyboards and commissioned to illustrate character designs and pitch artworks.
Pencil illustration, coloured up and layered on PhotoShop
Hopefully I’m not barking up the wrong tree to say that you’ll find my dog illustration as lovable as I do. Waggy tails all round.
To submit an artwork please go to Illustration Friday
Illustration Friday
Illustration Friday run a fun weekly challenge to create or submit an illustration based on a weekly subject. The topic ranges widely and its fun to come up with an illustration and get it out there. I'll post my weekly entry on this site and drop by to have a look to see what I've come up with.
This week's topic is Tattoos. This is my pen and ink illustration done quickly in felt pen with some bright colours added on PhotoShop, use your shades when viewing!